fenway cdc

Assessment Programs for Employees

Select best candidate for your organization by matching the right candidate for the right job based on objective methods of psychometric assessment. Our assessment tools can be utilized by Human Resources, recruitment offices and in training and development.

HR managers can test, select, hire and develop the right person for the right job using ability and personality assessments. We strongly believe that assessments are stepping stones to employees’ high performance and can greatly minimize cost and effort that is spent when selection of new hires is done by trial and error.

Development Competencies:

Personality Profile 15FQ+

A competency assessment program in the sale that shows the strengths and weaknesses level of each of the fifteen elements in the domain that require competence in the profession of selling. The SPT assessment program is different from the 15FQ+ assessment program, SPT shows the surface patterns of personality and related to the performance of the skill in a specific area of work tasks where when identified can be developed, while 15FQ+ identifies the personality profile.


1- Personality Profile 15FQ+

2- Sales and Services Personality SSPT :

Personality 15FQ+ gives in depth assessment of the personality, developed to take culture into consideration (Derived from the 16 Personality factors by Raymond B. Cattell and has standards of reliability and validity). It relates to how people think, feel and interact which as a result can have effect on work productivity.